The Data

Computer Science Access Report 2022

Data is based on the Access Report and includes all public and public charter schools with at least one high school grade (e.g., 9-12). Schools must offer at least one foundational computer science (CS) course to be counted as offering CS. Refer to the website for more resources and to change the filters:

Tennessee 2022 State of Computer Science Education

This annual report on K-12 computer science in the United States provides an update on national and state-level computer science education policy, including policy trends, maps, state summaries, and implementation data. Refer to the website for more resources and to see other reports:

Moving Towards a  Vision of Equitable  Computer Science

Results of a Landscape Survey of PreK-12 CS Teachers in the United States: Given technology’s significant role in society, our educational systems must ensure that all students have access to a robust and rigorous computer science education to prepare them to participate in the global economy and to contribute to a more equitable tech-driven future. As such, computer science (CS) teachers are critical to the efforts to expand access and equity in CS education. In our first national study published in 2021, we examined the landscape of PreK-12 CS teachers in the United States. In this 2022 follow-up study, we sought a more detailed and nuanced understanding of teachers’ experiences and perceptions of achieving equity in K-12 CS education. US Data

This file contains a multi-year comparison of the growth of computer science education from every state and across Advanced Placement courses.