An Overview of Computer Science Education & Initiatives in Tennessee
This course provides an overview of Tennessee Computer Science Law, Tennessee K-12 Computer Science State Standards and Concepts, the Reach Them All initiative, and Computer Science Professional Learning Resources. This course accompanies the Computer Science Integration Guidebook, pages 3-9.
(Approximate completion time for this course is 30 minutes)
In this course, participants will explore computer science pedagogy. Participants will take a deep dive into the meanings and examples behind computer science and computational thinking. This course accompanies the Computer Science Integration Guidebook, pages 10-12.
(Approximate completion time for this course is 30 minutes)
In this course you will explore the K-12 Computer Science Framework and Core Practices. “The seven core practices of computer science describe the behaviors and ways of thinking that computationally literate students use to fully engage in today’s data-rich and interconnected world.”4 Materials in this course are taken from the K-12 Computer Science Framework and this Open Education Resource can be accessed by going to This course accompanies the Computer Science Integration Guidebook, page 14.
(Approximate completion time for this course is 30 minutes)
Integrating Computer Science & Computational Thinking into K-12 Content
In this course, participants will discover the power of integrating computer science and computational thinking into their K-12 content. This course accompanies the Computer Science Integration Guidebook, pages 13-28.
(Approximate completion time for this course is one hour)
In this course, participants will discover how to operate the Bee-Bot, Blue-Bot, and Pro-Bot. These devices reinforce knowledge and skills taught to students in academic classes during “unplugged lessons,” by connecting to programming concepts in “plugged lessons.” This course complements the Computer Science Integrated Model Lessons in the Computer Science Integration Guidebook.
(Approximate completion time for this course is one hour)